Hackathons & Compositions

I like building things

During my time in university, I attended 3+ hackathons. People from around the country would come together and build incredible things in 2-3 days. It was eye-opening to see the endless possibilities brought to life by a group of motivated and passionate individuals.

  • S

    Sheikh Russel Innovation Fair-2024

    Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Driver Drowsiness Detection System using java, python
  • B

    Bangabandhu National Science Fair

    Dhaka, Bangladesh

    1. air defense system using java, arduino 2.Face Recognition using python,Flask, openCV.
  • 8

    8th DCSC International Science Exposition

    Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Build a face recognition app using Python, Flask, and OpenCV

Get in Touch

Want to chat? Just shoot me a dm with a direct question on Linkedin and I'll respond whenever I can. I will ignore all soliciting.